Sarel starred in the one-woman play FUNERAL FLOWERS (2022) by Emma Dennis-Edwards, which appeared in venues across the UK, including the Nottingham Playhouse and the Liverpool Everyman. Sarel has also performed her self-written piece titled WHERE AM I FROM (2022) at the Bush Theatre for Rikki Beadle-Blair's production, appeared in ALBATROSS (2021) directed by Jess Edwards and Guy Woolf's INTERRUPTIONS (2021). Sarel made her television debut in SMOTHERED by Monica Heisey (a Roughcut Production for SKY COMEDY), that aired in December 2023.


Photo credits: Guy Bell, Greta Zabulyte and Hannah Ellison

Promo video and still images from Sky Comedy’s ‘Smothered’ Series

For media enquiries, speaking engagements or press and features, please contact Holly Hirsch at theFound here.